Grow Your Own Healthy Meals
A Little History
About Her

About Him

Spent her early years as a wild child. Visited farms, rode pigs, played in the dirt and the family always had a garden.
As she got older she read books (loved mysteries), went on long walks, worked in the garden. Her parents rented a small field when they lived in the city and they grew potatoes and squash.
She became a hippie for a short time.

He & She
Was a very bright, angelic little boy. His parents kept him very clean. He loved active games and knocked out his front teeth at the age of 13. He never played in the dirt and his family never had a garden.
As he got older, he played more sports, loved lacrosse. Practised judo on a neighbour and broke the neighbour's arm. Felt guilty for an entire summer. Family only bought groceries from supermarkets. He stayed very clean.
Then he got a summer job with the Parks Board.

Our Values
Fell in love and were eventually perfect for each other. They always had a garden. If they only had an apartment balcony, then they had a balcony garden. Their children learned how to grow vegetables, grind wheat & grow sprouts.
She worked with seniors and always had gardens full of flowers or vegetables wherever she worked.
He began a life-long interest in horticulture and sustainable living.
They finally joined a garden cooperative and now cultivate over 2000 sq feet of garden including two homemade greenhouses.
They share their harvests with family and friends.
1. We love food & family: first & fundamental principle, no question.
2. We thrive on garden work; from soil-building to leek-pulling; from nurturing little seedlings to transforming our mature plants into creative cuisine.
3. We contemplate just standing in our gardens, looking around, touched by the quiet beauty of what we've helped grow.
4. We share our knowledge as experienced organic gardeners & creative cooks. Take a look at our how-to articles & our creative food ideas.
5. We enjoy a few meaningful laughs now & then.