I Love Dirt and Dinner
By our good friend, Harley, the dog.
(dictated to his Moms via sign and woof)
I love two things: dirt and dinner. So it should come as no surprise that I should love The Moms' friends Carol and Brian. They are big community gardeners and love to dig holes and disturb the dirt almost as much as I do.
They are internet savvy like me. They have a website called Dirt to Dining. Anything that talks about dirt and dinner in the same sentence - well, come on - of course it's going to capture my attention. Let us again remember: I am a dog. So, I told The Moms they should spend some time taking note of all the great advice and experience Carol and Brian have shared and get digging. They promptly rolled their eyes at me and checked their manicures.
I said, "I'm hungry, let's eat." They served kibble and I again reminded them of the great recipes that Carol and Brian have shared on their site involving all the wonderful vegetables they grow and harvest. I guess, if The Moms aren't going to listen, I will share it with you my friends and you can check out what they have to offer at www.dirt2dining.com.
Canine Caveat:
Mummy loves hummus. She says Carol makes great hummus. However, my little buddy Scopa, Carol's Shih Tzu, 'nephew' says "Woof Warning" puppies - It might taste good to people but the garlic is hard on puppy tummies.
A night of embarrassing gas is too much for any dog.