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​​Why Not Grow Your Own?

  • Save  money

  • get some excellent exercise

  • beautify your outdoor living space,

  • provide your family with healthy, fresh food,

  • lower your carbon footprint

  • kick-start your creativity as a fresh food chef.

'Healthy' title
Potatoes in bag
Pepper plants

Starting an Organic Garden

Don't have much space? Don't know what to grow? Don't worry. Starting your organic garden is easy. Start small & let nature do the work. ​​



Why You Need Good Dirt

Your harvest's bounty depends on the state of your soil. What are the major components of good stuff? How do you ensure your soil's health & productivity are optimum?



Good Neighbours​

Your garden can grow even better when you group your vegetables and herbs in mutually beneficial plant associations. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Dollar sign image
Save Your Money

Gardening does not have to be expensive. Cut your costs without compromising on veggie quality.

Page in a notebook
Document Your Work

Keeping a diary of work you do in your garden can be really helpful.

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